Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pick a Post. Any Post.

Yep, it has been a week since I blogged.  Again that crazy lack of time thing.  I have many ideas right now on which to blog but I can't these are the topics

  1. Goldfish crackers--my ability to suck down an entire bag
  2. Let's Get Physical--going back to the gym & my inability to not nitpick other people's exercise effort
  3. Aerobic Instructors: True Sadists--seriously, do I really have to do 200 jumping jacks then right into 200 squats?
  4. Time in a Sippy Cup--three hours of time to yourself that only people with small children can understand
  5. The Trifecta--of course, this involves poop
  6. Real Men; Real Husbands--title says it all
  7. To Pain or Not to Pain? Is there a question?--choosing an epidural
  8. Pregnant & Puking--why I don't like being pregnant
    1. Hyperemesis Gravidarum! Sounds like the HP spell that makes you puke non stop for what feels like an eternity
This is where I am right now.  Not sure which I want to start with.  You have an opinion? I'd like to hear it.  Otherwise, I might put these all in a hat and just pick.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Phone Blogging

This is a test because I don't believe that it is actually going to work.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hmmm...Pensive Realization

So, one thing that I have learned about this blogging stuff is that you have to blog pretty much right away about something that you want to blog about.  It is kind of like those dream journals.  If you want to track/remember your dreams as soon as you wake up you are supposed to jot down all the adventures you had in dreamland in that journal that you keep on you night stand, right next to your bed.

For me, it isn't so easy as per a previous blog, "Mommy Time". There have been a few things on my mind lately and I have really wanted to chat about them, but by the time I had time to, which is right now, the emotions I had have dwindled.

I am actually kind of ticked that I have no desire to write about those ideas with all this time that I have.  Grrrr!

Well, c'est la vie.

Because I Said So

Doesn't that just say it all?  "Because I said so."  Well, it should.  As a kid, of course, it didn't make sense.  But now, as an adult, it makes perfect sense.  When I tell my kids to do something.  They ought to just do it.  Instead of "Why?"  Why?  Why would you, my children 3 & 5 year olds question why?  There is no, 'why'.  You just do it because I said so.

Monday we had a great day planned to meet up with some friends and their kids and go to some boardwalk rides.  I really wanted to go.  I wanted to hang out with adults while my kids had fun on the rides.  Countless times I threatened that we were not going to go if they did not stop their bickering, their whining, their defiance.  To add, this was all before 8:30 AM.

Soon I left to take my son to speech.  On the way there, we had a long chat about behavior and he seemed to understand as much as he could being 3 and all.  Then speech was over and we headed back home.  We did our ritual stop at Wawa; he got a Slurpee and donuts.  I got coffee. All was great in the world.  Then I got home...

Lunch was ready but there were playing cards all over the table and the floor.  They were my son's.  "Buddy, clean up your cards, please." The boy stopped dead in his tracks.  Looked up at me with a huge defiant there-is-not-a-chance-in-the-world-that-I-am-going-to-clean-up-those-cards grin.  Hmpf, is that so.  "Clean them up or you are not going to the rides." I got the same look.  "That's it!  You are NOT going to the rides!"  Through deep, pleading sobs the cards were picked up.  And to add, every last crumb of his lunch was eaten.  The repetition of, "Can I go now?" resounded.  "No, Buddy, you cannot go." He was devastated.  I was devastated.  I wanted to take both my kids and have some fun. That was just brutal.

Now, this is where one might think the story to be over. That I took my daughter and my son learned a hard, but necessary lesson.  Nope.  Through all of the commotion with my son, my daughter keep checking, "Am I still going?"  And she was.  She was listening.  She was well behaved.


We were moments before leaving.  Moments before heading to the boardwalk.  Moments to some fun by the water.

I got my daughter completely sunblocked, which is a feat within itself as our entire family is so pale we pretty much reflect the sun.  I maintain that if we were ever stranded on a desert island we could just lay ourselves on the beach and a rescue plane would spot us from miles away. Hopefully, before we all burned to crisps. I put on her last article of clothing, when my son picked up one of her slippers.  I told her not to worry about it as she was going to the rides and all my son had at that moment was the slipper.  Well, the second she was done getting dressed, she bee-lined for the slipper and ripped it off my son's foot. "That's it!  You are not going now!"  Shock ensued. Tears ensued.  Screaming ensued.

Now, it is my turn to question why.  Why?  Why couldn't we just go to the boardwalk and have fun?  Why? WHY DON'T THEY JUST LISTEN?

This just crushed me.  I think I learned a rough lesson too.  Sometimes you do have to be biting  despite the fact that you feel like the world's worst parent.  I think this did sink in a little to them and to me.  I don't know how long it is going to last.  For now, my kids have their tails between their legs.  For now, all I have to do is mention the trip to the rides that never happened.  For now, they are doing what they should be doing all the time...listening.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mommy Time (Be aware it is a poop story)

So, it has been quite some time since I blogged and what it comes down to, every time I want to blog about whatever it may be, I run out of time.  As it is right now, I thought I was going to have a chance.  Well, yes, I am blogging, but not to the extent that I want because my 16 month old is really itching to get out of that crib.  I was hoping for a little bit of "Mommy Time" while my two boys napped.

Well, as my younger son was napping, I put my older son down.  Now, he did just get potty-trained.  Keeping that in mind, he is not the best at holding it while sleeping.  He still wears a Pull-Up for naps and bedtime.  So, I put the little bugger down, and I just had a feeling that he was going to, yep you know it, poop.  When I walked out of his room, I simply knew it.  I was even going to question him about it, which, of course, I should have but did not.

After leaving his room, I walked out and started up a "My Little Pony" because my daughter is obsessed with them right now.  Just so you know, if you have a Netflix streaming subscription there is a 52 episode series on there.  She pretty much blew through them in a matter of 2 weeks.

Soon after the opening song began, I hear my son's footsteps coming up behind me.  He says, "Daddy, I pooped." Yes!  He wants Daddy!  Phew, I am glad I don't have to deal with that....I thought.  Milliseconds later, "Oh, no, I want Mommy."  Damn!  On the trek back to his room, I noticed that he was walking funny.  Yep, he had that I pooped all over myself walk.  Sure enough.  It was everywhere.  All down his legs.  On the carpet.  On the crib. On the sheets.  It even got on me.  The boy needed a shower.  The boy did not want a shower.  The boy began to scream.

I had to clean up the rug, change the sheets, clean off the crib, wash the sheets while my husband wrangled him into the shower.  Oh, I did eventually get to change my clothes.

The screaming subsided and everything was ok, until my husband got him out of the shower and asked me where the Motrin was.  As he walked into the kitchen to get it, who starts crying...the baby.  Grrrrr!

Mommy time is gone.  So there was my 5 minutes of Mommy Time.  I hope you enjoyed my 5 minutes to myself. :0) Now, I have to go get the baby and make sure that my older son hasn't fallen asleep (because I am sure he will now) because it is too late for him to take a nap.  "Too late to take a nap"...I think that is another post for a blog in and of itself.  TTFN

Ha ha ha, I didn't even get to finish proofreading this before my son was standing before me with his V-Reader.  The batteries died.  Of course, they did.  There too is another topic for a blog or an inventor to come up with some sort of battery that doesn't die at critical times.